Groupe de recherche de Martin Rochette
Photonique nonlinéaire
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Publications et propriété intellectuelle depuis 2008

Publications - Journaux

R. Kormokar and M. Rochette

“Soliton Self-Frequency Shift Prediction in Amplifying Fibers Using Moment Method,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 41(7), 1628-1638 (2024).

[ Site web ]    

H. M. Shamim, I. Alamgir, W. Correr, Y. Messaddeq, and M. Rochette
“Soliton self-frequency shift in a cascade of silica, fluoride, and chalcogenide fibers,” Journal of Lightwave Technology (2024). [ Site web ]    

I. Alamgir, H. M. Shamim, W. Correr, Y. Messaddeq, and M. Rochette
“Supercontinuum generation optimization in a dispersion-varying chalcogenide fiber,” Optics Communications 565 130685 (2024). [ Site web ]    

M. Rezaei, G. T. Zeweldi, H. M. Shamim, and M. Rochette
“Single-mode optical fiber couplers made of fluoride glass,” Optics Express 31(17) 27183-27191 (2023).  [ Site web ]    

W. Lin, M. H. Bussieres-Hersir, M. Auger, A. Vincelette, and M. Rochette
 “3 kW forward-pumped fiber laser via pump recycler,” Applied Optics 62(17) 4490-4495 (2023).  [ Site web ]    

Y. N. Colmenares, W. Correr, M. J. Bell, H. M. Shamim, S. H. Messaddeq, M. Rochette, Y. Messaddeq
“Photoluminescent Er-doped As20Se80 thin films and channel waveguides produced by thermal reflow,” Optical Materials 137, 113534 (2023). [ Site web ]    

R. Kormokar, H. M. Shamim, and M. Rochette
“Energy conversion efficiency from a high-order soliton to fundamental solitons in the presence of Raman scattering,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 40(2), 412-419 (2023). [ Site web ]    

H. M. Shamim, I. Alamgir, and M. Rochette
“Soliton Order Preservation for Self-frequency Shift with High Efficiency and Broad Tunability,” Journal of Lightwave Technology (2023). [ Site web ]    

B. Gholipour, S. R. Elliott, M. J. Muller, M. Wuttig, D. W. Hewak, B. E. Hayden, Y. Li, S. Soon Jo, R. Jaramillo, R. E. Simpson, J. Tominaga, Y. Cui, A. Mandal, B. J. Eggleton, M. Rochette, M. Rezaei, I. Alamgir, H. M. Shamim, R. Kormokar, A. Anjum+
“Roadmap on Chalcogenide Photonics,” Journal of Physics: Photonics 5 012501 (2023). [ Site web ]    

A. Anjum and M. Rochette
“All-Fiber Nonlinear Multimode Interference Saturable Absorber in Reflection Mode,” Optical Fiber Technology 74 103092 (2022).  [ Site web ]    

W. Lin, M. Desjardins-Carriere, V. Lambin Iezzi, A. Vincelette, M. H. Bussieres-Hersir, and M. Rochette
“Simple design of Yb-doped fiber laser with an output power of 2 kW,” Optics and Laser Technology 156 108448 (2022). [ Site web ]    

I. Alamgir, M. Rezaei, and M. Rochette
“Fiber optical parametric oscillator made of soft glass,” Optics Letters 47(14), 3451-3454 (2022).  [ Site web ]    

W. Lin, M. Desjardins-Carriere, V. Lambin Iezzi, A. Vincelette, M. H. Bussieres-Hersir, and M. Rochette
“An effective all-fiber pump recycler for kilowatt fiber lasers,” Applied Optics 61(20), 6092-6096 (2022). [ Site web ]    

M. Rezaei, H. Mobarok Shamim, M. El Amraoui, Y. Messaddeq, and M. Rochette
“Nonlinear Chalcogenide Optical Fiber Couplers,” Optics Express 30(12), 20288-20297 (2022). [ Site web ]    

M. Rezaei and M. Rochette
“All-chalcogenide ring fiber laser,” Optical Fiber Technology 71, 102900 (2022).  [ Site web ]    

I. Alamgir and M. Rochette
“Thulium-doped fiber laser mode-locked by nonlinear polarization rotation in a chalcogenide tapered fiber,” Optics Express 30(9), 14300-14310 (2022). [ Site web ]    

I. Alamgir, H. Mobarok Shamim, W. Correr, Y. Messaddeq, and M. Rochette
“Mid-infrared soliton self-frequency shift in chalcogenide glass,” Optics Letters 46(21), 5513-5516 (2021).  [ Site web ]    

H. Li, X. Li, J. Wang, M. Rochette, and H. Yang
“High extinction ratio elliptical core Panda-type polarization-maintaining fiber coil,” Optics Letters 46(17), 4276-4279 (2021). [ Site web ]    

R. Kormokar, M. H. Mobarok Shamim and M. Rochette
“High-Order Analytical Formulation of Soliton Self-Frequency Shift,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 38(2), 466-475 (2021). [ Site web ]    

W. Lin, M. Desjardins-Carriere, B. Sevigny, J. Magne and M. Rochette
“Raman suppression within the gain fiber of high-power fiber lasers,” Applied Optics 59(31), 9660-9666 (2020). [ Site web ]    

K. Zhang and M. Rochette
“All-fiber Saturable Absorber Using Nonlinear Multimode Interference in a Chalcogenide Fiber,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 38(22), 6321-6326 (2020). [ Site web ]    

S. Venck, F. St-Hilaire, L. Brilland, A. N. Ghosh, R. Chahal, C. Caillaud, M. Meneghetti, J. Troles, F. Joulain, S. Cozic, S. Poulain, G. Huss, M. Rochette, J. M. Dudley, T. Sylvestre
"2-10 µm Mid-Infrared Fiber-Based Supercontinuum Laser Source: Experiment and Simulations," Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2000011 (2020). [ Site web ]    

K. Zhang, I. Alamgir and M. Rochette
“Mid-infrared Compatible Tunable Bandpass Filter Based on Multimode Interference in Chalcogenide Fiber,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 38(4), 857-863 (2020). [ Site web ]    

I. Alamgir, F. St-Hilaire and M. Rochette
“All-fiber nonlinear optical wavelength conversion system from the C-band to the mid-infrared,” Optics Letters 45(4), 857-860 (2020). [ Site web ]    

M. Rezaei and M. Rochette
“All-Chalcogenide Single-Mode Optical Fiber Couplers,” Optics Letters 44(21), 5266-5269 (2019). [ Site web ]    

I. Alamgir, N. Abdukerim, and M. Rochette
“In situ fabrication of far-detuned optical fiber wavelength converters,” Optics Letters 44(18), 4467-4470 (2019). [ Site web ]    

I. Kayes and M. Rochette
“Precise Distance Measurement by a Single Electro-Optic Frequency Comb,” Photonics Technology Letters 31(10), 775-778 (2019). [ Site web ]    

K. Zhang, Y. A. Peter, and M. Rochette
“Chalcogenide Fabry-Perot Fiber Tunable Filter,” Photonics Technology Letters 30(23), 2013-2016 (2018). [ Site web ]    

M. I. Kayes, N. Abdukerim, A. Rekik and M. Rochette

“Free-running mode-locked laser based dual-comb spectroscopy,” Optics Letters 43(23), 5809-5812 (2018).

[ Site web ]    

P. Moslemi, M. Rochette, and L. R. Chen
“Simultaneous generation of WDM chirped microwave waveforms using integrated spectral shapers in silicon photonics,” Journal of Lightwave Technology36(23), 5498-5504 (2018). [ Site web ]    

N. Abdukerim, I. Alamgir and M. Rochette

“Pulse characterization by cross-phase modulation in chalcogenide glass,” Optics Letters 43(19), 4771-4774 (2018).

[ Site web ]    

M. Rochette
“Design and fabrication of nonlinear optical waveguides for far-detuned wavelength conversion to the mid-infrared,” Advanced Optical Technologies 7(5), 321-326 (2018). [ Site web ]    

N. Abdukerim, M. I. Kayes, A. Rekik and M. Rochette
“Bidirectional mode-locked thulium-doped fiber laser,” Applied Optics 57(25), 7198-7202 (2018). [ Site web ]    

N. Abdukerim, I. Alamgir and M. Rochette
“All-fiber frequency-resolved optical gating pulse characterization from chalcogenide glass,” Optics Letters 43(14), 3228-3231 (2018). [ Site web ]    

M. I. Kayes and M. Rochette
“Fourier Transform Spectroscopy by Repetition Rate Sweeping of a Single Electro-Optic Frequency Comb,” Optics Letters 43(5), 967-970 (2018). [ Site web ]    

P. Moslemi, L. R. Chen, and M. Rochette

“Simultaneously generating multiple chirped microwave waveforms using an arrayed waveguide Sagnac interferometer,” Electronics Letters 53(23), 1534-1535 (2017).

[ Site web ]    

D. D. Hudson, S. Antipov, L. Li, I. Alamgir, T. Hu, M. El Amraoui, Y. Messaddeq, M. Rochette, S. D. Jackson, and A. Fuerbach
“Toward all-fiber supercontinuum spanning the mid-infrared,” Optica 4(10), 1163-1166 (2017). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

M. I. Kayes and M. Rochette

“Optical frequency comb generation with ultra-narrow spectral lines,” Optics Letters 42(14), 2718-2721 (2017).

[ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

N. Abdukerim, L. Li, M. El Amraoui, Y. Messaddeq and M. Rochette
“2 µm Raman Fiber Laser Based on a Multimaterial Chalcogenide Microwire,” Applied Physics Letters 110, 161103 (2017). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

F. Tavakoli, A. Rekik and M. Rochette
“Broadband and Wavelength-Dependent Chalcogenide Optical Fiber Couplers,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 29(9), 735-738 (2017). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

L. Li, N. Abdukerim and M. Rochette
“Mid-infrared wavelength conversion from AsSe microwires,” Optics Letters 42(3), 639-642 (2017). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

C.Jia, B. J. Shastri, N. Abdukerim, M. Rochette, P. R. Prucnal, M. Saad, and L. R. Chen
“Passively synchronized Q-switched and simultaneous mode-locked dual-band Tm3+:ZBLAN fiber lasers using a common graphene saturable absorber,” Scientific reports 6 36071 (2016). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

N. Abdukerim, L. Li and M. Rochette
“Chalcogenide-based optical parametric oscillator at 2 μm,” Optics Letters 41(18), 4364-4367 (2016). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

L. Li, N. Abdukerim and M. Rochette
“Chalcogenide optical microwires cladded with fluorine-based CYTOP,” Optics Express 24(17), 18931-18937 (2016). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

L. Li, A. Al Kadry, N. Abdukerim and M. Rochette
“Design, fabrication and characterization of PC, COP and PMMA-cladded As2Se3 microwires,” Optical Material Express 6(3), 912-921 (2016). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

F. Vanier, F. Cote, M. El Amraoui, Y. Messaddeq, Y.-A. Peter and M. Rochette
"Low threshold lasing at 1975 nm in thulium-doped tellurite glass microspheres," Optics Letters 40(22), 5227-5230 (2015). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

A. Al Kadry, L. Li, M. El Amraoui, T. North, Y. Messaddeq and M. Rochette
"Broadband Supercontinuum Generation in All-normal Dispersion Chalcogenide Microwires," Optics Letters 40(20), 4687-4690 (2015). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

A. Al Kadry, M. El Amraoui, Y. Messaddeq and M. Rochette
“Mode-Locked Laser Based on Chalcogenide Microwires,” Optics Letters 40(18), 4309-4312 (2015).  [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

M. R. Fernandez-Ruiz, L. Lei, M. Rochette and J. Azana
"All-optical wavelength conversion based on time-domain holography erratum," Optics Express 23(19), 24859 (2015). [ Site web ]    

J. Wang, R. Ashrafi, M. Rochette and L. R. Chen
"Chirped Microwave Pulse Generation Using an Integrated SiP Bragg Grating in a Sagnac Loop," IEEE Photonic Technology Letters 27(17), 1876-1879 (2015). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

M. R. Fernandez-Ruiz, L. Lei, M. Rochette and J. Azana
"All-optical wavelength conversion based on time-domain holography," Optics Express 23(17), 22847-22856 (2015). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

C. Jia, X. Liang, M. Rochette, and L. R. Chen
"Alternate Wavelength Switching in a Widely Tunable Dual-Wavelength Tm3+-Doped Fiber Laser at 1900 nm," IEEE Photonics Journal 7(4), 1502907 (2015). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

M. Ma, M. Rochette, and L. R. Chen
"Generating chirped microwave pulses using an integrated distributed Fabry-Perot cavity in silicon-on-insulator," IEEE Photonics Journal 7(2), 5500706 (2015). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

E. Meyer-Scott, A. Dot, R. Ahmad, L. Li, M. Rochette, and T. Jennewein
"Power-efficient production of photon pairs in a tapered chalcogenide microwire," Applied Physics Letters 106, 081111 (2015). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

A. Al Kadry, M. El Amraoui, Y. Messaddeq and M. Rochette
“Two octaves mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in As2Se3 microwires,” Optics Express 22(25), 31131-31137 (2014). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

F. Vanier, Y.-A. Peter, and M. Rochette
“Cascaded Raman lasing in packaged high quality As2S3 microspheres,” Optics Express  22(23), 28731-28739 (2014). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

A. Dot, E. Meyer-Scott, R. Ahmad, M. Rochette, and T. Jennewein
“Converting one photon into two via four-wave mixing in optical fibers,” Physical review A 90 043808 (2014). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

A. Salehiomran, R Modirnia, B. Boulet and M. Rochette
“Optical parametric oscillator longitudinal modes suppression based on smith predictor control scheme,” IEEE Transaction on control systems technology 22(5), 2064-2072 (2014). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

T. North, A. Al Kadry and M. Rochette
“Analysis of self-pulsating sources based on cascaded regeneration and soliton self-frequency shifting,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 20(5), #7600307 (2014). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

R. Ahmad and M. Rochette
“All–chalcogenide Raman–parametric Laser, Wavelength Converter and Amplifier in a Single Microwire,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 20(5), #90076 (2014). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

T. Godin, Y. Combes, R. Ahmad, M. Rochette, T. Sylvestre, and J. M. Dudley
Far detuned mid-infrared frequency conversion via normal dispersion modulation instability in chalcogenide microwire,” Optics Letters 39(07), 1885-1888 (2014). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

J. C. Beugnot, R. Ahmad, M. Rochette, V. Laude, H. Maillotte, and T. Sylvestre
“Reduction and control of stimulated Brillouin scattering in polymer-coated chalcogenide optical microwires,” Optics Letters 39(3), 482-485 (2014). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

T. North and M. Rochette
“Regenerative self-pulsating sources of large bandwidths,” Optics Letters 39(1), 174-177 (2014). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

F. Vanier, M. Rochette, N. Godbout, and Y.-A. Peter
“Raman lasing in As2S3 high-Q whispering gallery mode resonators,” Optics Letters 38(23), 4966-4969 (2013). [ Site web ]     [ PDF ]

T. North and M. Rochette
“Analysis of self-pulsating sources based on regenerative SPM: Ignition, pulse characteristics and stability,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 31(23), 3700-3706 (2013). [ Site web ]    

A. Salehiomran and M. Rochette
“An all-pole-type cavity based on smith predictor to achieve single longitudinal mode fiber lasers,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 25(21), 2141-2144 (2013). [ Site web ]    

A. Salehiomran and M. Rochette
 “A nonlinear model for the operation of fiber optical parametric oscillators in the steady-state,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 25(10), 981-984 (2013). [ Site web ]    

A. Al Kadry and M. Rochette
“Maximized soliton self-frequency shift in non-uniform microwires by the control of third-order dispersion perturbation,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 31(9), 1462-1467 (2013). [ Site web ]    

A. Al Kadry, C. Baker, M. El Amraoui, Younes Messaddeq, and M. Rochette
“Broadband supercontinuum generation in as2se3 chalcogenide wires by avoiding the two-photon absorption effects,” Optics Letters 38(7), 1185-1187 (2013). [ Site web ]    

A. Velazquez-Benitez, R. Ahmad, T. North, M. Gorjan, J. Hernandez-Cordero, and M. Rochette
“All-optical broadband-variable optical attenuator based on an As2Se3 microwire,”IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 25(7), 697-700 (2013). [ Site web ]    

T. North and M. Rochette
“Raman-induced noiselike pulses in a highly nonlinear and dispersive all-fiber ring laser,” Optics Letters 38 (6), 890-892 (2013). [ Site web ]    

A. Salehiomran and M. Rochette
“A frequency domain design approach for the generation of arbitrary transfer function based on generalized optical transversal filters,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 31(3), 407-413 (2013). [ Site web ]    

C. Baker and M. Rochette
Birefringence engineering and high nonlinearity in eccentric-core As2Se3-PMMA microtapers,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 31(1), 171-176 (2013). [ Site web ]    

R. Ahmad and M. Rochette
“Raman lasing in a chalcogenide microwire based Fabry-Pérot cavity,” Optics Letters 37(21), 4549-4551 (2012). [ Site web ]    

M. Gorjan, T. North and M. Rochette
“Model of the amplified spontaneous emission generation in thulium-doped silica fibers,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 29(10), 2886-2890 (2012). [ Site web ]    

R. Ahmad and M. Rochette
“Chalcogenide microwire based Raman laser,” Applied Physics Letters 101, 101110 (2012). [ Site web ]    

T. North and M. Rochette
“Broadband Self-Pulsating Fiber Laser Based on Soliton Self-Frequency Shift and Regenerative SPM,” Optics Letters 37(14), 2799-2801 (2012). [ Site web ]    

C. Baker and M. Rochette
“High nonlinearity and single-mode transmission in tapered multi-mode As2Se3-PMMA fibers,” IEEE Photonics Journal 4(3), 960-969 (2012). [ Site web ]    

A. Al Kadry and M. Rochette
“Mid-infrared sources based on the soliton self-frequency shift,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 29(6), 1347-1355 (2012). [ Site web ]    

R. Ahmad and M. Rochette
“Chalcogenide-based optical parametric oscillator,” Optics Express 20(9), 10095-10099 (2012). [ Site web ]    

R. Ahmad and M. Rochette
“High efficiency and ultra broadband optical parametric four-wave mixing in chalcogenide-PMMA hybrid microwires,” Optics Express 20(9), 9572-9580 (2012). [ Site web ]    

T. North and M. Rochette
“Fabrication and characterization of a pulsed fiber ring laser based on As2S3,” Optics Letters 37(4), 716-718 (2012). [ Site web ]    

M. Rochette, C. Baker, R. Ahmad, and A. Al Kadry
“Chalcogenide microwires and their applications,” Photons 9(2), 35-38 (2011). [ Site web ]    

C. Baker, R. Ahmad, and M. Rochette
“Simultaneous measurement of the core diameter and the numerical aperture in dual-mode step-index optical fibers,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 29(24), 3834-3837 (2011). [ Site web ]    

C. Baker and M. Rochette
“A generalized heat-brush approach for precise control of the waist profile in fiber tapers,” Optical Material Express 1(6), 1065-1076 (2011). [ Site web ]    

R. Ahmad and M. Rochette
“Photosensitivity at 1550 nm and Bragg grating inscription in As2Se3 microwires,” Applied Physics letters 99 061109 (2011). [ Site web ]    

R. Ahmad, M. Rochette, and C. Baker
“Fabrication of Bragg gratings in sub-wavelength diameter As2Se3 chalcogenide wires,” Optics letters 36(15), 2886-2888 (2011). [ Site web ]    

M. Rochette, C. Baker, and R. Ahmad
“All-optical PMD monitor for optical signals at 40 Gb/s and beyond,” Optics Letters 35(21), 3703-3705 (2010). [ Site web ]    

R. Ahmad, S. Chatigny, and M. Rochette
“Broadband amplification of high power 40 Gb/s channels using multimode Er-Yb doped fiber,” Optics Express 18(19), 19983-19993 (2010). [ Site web ]    

J. Qiu, K. Sun, M. Rochette, and L. R. Chen
“Reconfigurable All-Optical Multilogic Gate (XOR, AND, and OR) Based on Cross-Phase Modulation in a Highly Nonlinear Fiber,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 22(16), 1199-1201 (2010). [ Site web ]    

C. Baker and M. Rochette
“Highly nonlinear hybrid AsSe-PMMA microtapers,” Optics Express 18(12), 12391-12398 (2010). [ Site web ]    

A. Pasquazi, R. Ahmad, M. Rochette, M. Lamont, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu. R. Morandotti, and D. J. Moss
“All-optical wavelength conversion in an integrated ring resonator,” Optics Express 18(4), 3858-3863 (2010). [ Site web ]    

J. Hernandez-Cordero, L. R. Chen, and M. Rochette
“Multirate and dual-wavelength semiconductor fiber laser,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 21(12), 808-810 (2009). [ Site web ]    

K. Sun, M. Rochette, and L. R. Chen
“Output characterization of a self-pulsating and aperiodic optical fiber source based on cascaded regeneration,” Optics Express 17(12), 10419-10432 (2009). [ Site web ]    

M. Rochette, L. R. Chen, K. Sun, and J. Hernandez-Cordero
“Multiwavelength and tunable self-pulsating fiber laser based on regenerative SPM spectral broadening and filtering,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 20(17), 1497-1499 (2008). [ Site web ]    

Publications - Conférences

H. M. Shamim, G. Zeweldi, M. Rezaei, and M. Rochette
“Efficient supercontinuum generation in a filter-less cascade of silica, fluoride, and chalcogenide fibers,” at the IEEE Photonics Conference, ThE1.3, Orlando, Florida, November 2023.

N. Karampour, G. Zeweldi, and M. Rochette
“All-fiber erbium-doped ZBLAN ring cavity laser,” at the IEEE Photonics Conference, WG3.4, Orlando, Florida, November 2023.

G. Zeweldi, Y. Fan Li, M. Lapare, J. Xu, J. Cheng Li, M. Rezaei, H. M. Shamim, and M. Rochette
“Mid-infrared All-ZBLAN Optical Fiber Couplers,” at the IEEE Photonics Conference, WE3.4, Orlando, Florida, November 2023.

R. Kormokar and M. Rochette
“Prediction of Soliton Self-frequency Shift in an Amplifying Nonlinear Medium with Moment Method,” at the 2023 Optica Nonlinear Optics Topical Meeting, M4A.3, Hawaii, USA, July 2023.

M. Rochette
“All soft glass fiber components and sources,” invited presentation at the CLEO Europe Conference, CJ-7.1, Munich, Germany, June 2023.

G. Zeweldi, M. Rezaei, H. M. Shamim, and M. Rochette
“ZBLAN Optical Fiber Couplers for the Mid-Infrared,” at Photonics North, NL-2.3, Montréal, Canada, June 2023.

M. Rezaei, Gebrehiwot Zeweldi, H. Mobarok Shamim, Imtiaz Alamgir, and M. Rochette
“Single Mode Optical Fiber Couplers Made of ZBLAN Glass,” at the CLEO Conference, STh3G.3, San Jose, California, May 2023.

H. Mobarok Shamim, Imtiaz Alamgir, and M. Rochette

“Soliton order preservation for high-efficiency and broadly tunable self-frequency shift,” at the CLEO Conference, SM1F.7, San Jose, California, May 2023.

H. Mobarok Shamim, Imtiaz Alamgir, and M. Rochette

“Coherent Mid-infrared Supercontinuum Generation in a Cascade of Silica, Fluoride, and Chalcogenide Fibers,” at the CLEO Conference, SM4F.6, San Jose, California, May 2023.

L. Chen, A. Kirk, O. Liboiron-Ladouceur, D. Plant, and M. Rochette
“Research Activities in the McGill University Photonic Systems Group,” at the IEEE Photonics Conference, Su2.3, Vancouver, Canada, Nov. 2022.

M. Rezaei, H. Mobarok Shamim, M. El Amraoui, Y. Messaddeq, and M. Rochette
“Nonlinear Optical Fiber Couplers Made of Chalcogenide Glass,” at the European Optical Society Annual Meeting, 11010, Porto, Portugal, September 2022.

M. Rezaei, G. Zeweldi, H. Mobarok Shamim, and M. Rochette
“Single-Mode ZBLAN Fiber Couplers,” at the European Optical Society Annual Meeting, 11011, Porto, Portugal, September 2022.

H. Mobarok Shamim, I. Alamgir, W. Correr, Y. Messaddeq, and M. Rochette
“Mid-infrared soliton self-frequency shift in a cascade of silica, fluoride, and chalcogenide fibers,” at the Advanced Photonics Congress, ITh2B.8, Maastricht, Netherland, July 2022. 

M. Rezaei and M. Rochette
“Single-Mode ZBLAN Optical Fiber Couplers,” at the Advanced Photonics Congress, ITh2B.3, Maastricht, Netherland, July 2022.

R. Kormokar and M. Rochette
“Energy Conversion Efficiency of High-Order Raman Soliton, at the Advanced Photonics Congress, NpTu4F.7, Maastricht, Netherland, July 2022.

W. Lin, M. Desjardins-Carriere, V. Lambin Iezzi, A. Vincelette, M. H. Bussières-Hersir, and M. Rochette
“78% pump recycler for kW fiber lasers,” at the Advanced Photonics Congress, IW2B.3 Maastricht, Netherland, July 2022.

W. Lin, M. Desjardins-Carriere, V. Lambin Iezzi, A. Vincelette, and M. Rochette
 “Experimental optimization of a high-power fiber laser with Raman filter,” at the CLEO Conference, SM2L.7, San Jose, California, May 2022.

R. Kormokar and M. Rochette
“Energy Conversion Efficiency of High-Order Raman Solitons,” at the CLEO Conference, SF3H.6, San Jose, California, May 2022.

M. Rezaei, H. Mobarok Shamim, M. El Amraoui, Y. Messaddeq, and M. Rochette
“Nonlinear optical fiber couplers made of chalcogenide glass,” at the CLEO Conference, ATh4C.7, San Jose, California, May 2022.

H. Mobarok Shamim, I. Alamgir, and M. Rochette

“High efficiency mid-infrared soliton self-frequency shift in a fluoride fiber,” at the CLEO Conference, ATh4C.5, San Jose, California, May 2022.

I. Alamgir and M. Rochette
“Q-switched mode-locking by NPR in As2S3 tapers,” at the CLEO Conference, JTh3B.20, San Jose, California, May 2022.

I. Alamgir, M. Rezaei, and M. Rochette

“Optical parametric oscillation from soft-glass fiber cavity,” at the CLEO Conference, ATh4C.6, San Jose, California, May 2022.

M. Rochette
Applications des verres de chalcogénures et fluorés pour les composants et dispositifs photoniques tout fibre,” invited presentation at the Association Canadienne-Française pour l’avancement des Sciences (ACFAS), colloque Le verre : reflet de société, fenêtre sur les avancées technologiques, Québec, May 2022. 

M. Rochette
“Sources infrarouges fibrées à base d’effets non linéaires dans les verres chalcogénure et fluorés,” Invited presentation at the Association Canadienne-Française pour l’avancement des Sciences (ACFAS), colloque Les lasers: applications et perspectives, Québec, May 2022.

W. Lin, M. Desjardins-Carriere, V. Lambin Iezzi, A. Vincelette, M. H. Bussieres-Hesir, and M. Rochette
“2 kW fiber laser based on 20 um-core double-cladding fibers and 915 nm pump sources,” at OSA Laser Congress, JM3A.24, October 2021.

M. Rezaei and M. Rochette
“Laser en anneau tout-fibre en verre de chalcogénure,” at Optique Dijon, O1-B:2, Dijon, France, July 2021.

I. Alamgir, H. Mobarok Shamim, W. Correr, Y. Messaddeq, and M. Rochette
“Glissement de fréquence de solitons dans l’infrarouge moyen à partir d’impulsions de faible énergie,” at Optique Dijon, O8-B:1, Dijon, France, July 2021.

M. Rezaei and M. Rochette

“Single-Mode All-Chalcogenide Brillouin Fiber Laser,” at the CLEO/Europe-EQEC Conference, CJ-9.1, June 2021.

A. Anjum and M. Rochette
“All-Fiber Chalcogenide Saturable Absorber,” at the CLEO/Europe-EQEC Conference, CE-10.1, June 2021.

I. Alamgir and M. Rochette

“2 mm mode-locked fiber laser enabled by NPR in a chalcogenide taper,” at the CLEO/Europe-EQEC Conference, CJ-2.5, June 2021.

I. Alamgir, H. Mobarok Shamim, W. Correr, Y. Messaddeq, and M. Rochette
“Mid-infrared soliton self-frequency shift using ultra-low pump pulse energy,” at the CLEO/Europe-EQEC Conference, CD-2.5, June 2021.

H. Mobarok Shamim, I. Alamgir, and M. Rochette
“High Efficiency Raman Soliton Generation in Passive Silica Fiber,” at the CLEO/Europe-EQEC Conference, CD-2.3, June 2021.

W. Lin, M. Desjardins-Carriere, B. Sevigny, and M. Rochette

“Optimization of Chirp and Tilt of Fiber Bragg gratings for Raman Emission Suppression,” at the CLEO/Europe-EQEC Conference, CJ-6.5, June 2021.

R. Kormokar, H. Mobarok Shamim, and M. Rochette
“Soliton Self-Frequency Shift of High-Order,” at the Photonics North Conference, PN-6, June 2021.

I. Alamgir, H. Mobarok Shamim, W. Correr, Y. Messaddeq, and M. Rochette
“Supercontinuum enhancement in dispersion-varying chalcogenide taper,” at the Photonics North Conference, CMC-1, June 2021.

M. Rezaei and M. Rochette
“Single-mode Brillouin fiber laser made of chalcogenide,” at the CLEO Conference, SM4K.6, May 2021.

I. Alamgir, H. Mobarok Shamim, W. Correr, Y. Messaddeq, and M. Rochette
“Mid-infrared soliton self-frequency shift using ultra-low pump pulse energy,” at the CLEO Conference, STh5A.6, May 2021.

H. Mobarok Shamim, I. Alamgir, and M. Rochette

“Soliton self-frequency shift in a passive silica fiber with conversion efficiency of 84.6%,” at the CLEO Conference, STh5A.2, May 2021.

A. Anjum and M. Rochette
“All-Fiber Modelocked Laser Using Chalcogenide Based Nonlinear Multimode Interference Saturable Absorber,” at the CLEO Conference, JTu3A.112, May 2021.

R. Kormokar, H. Mobarok Shamim, and M. Rochette

“Analytical Expression of Raman Induced Soliton Self-Frequency Shift,” at the CLEO Conference, JTu3A.66, May 2021.

I. Alamgir, H. Mobarok Shamim, W. Correr, Y. Messaddeq, and M. Rochette
“Enhanced supercontinuum from a dispersion-varying fiber,” at the CLEO Conference, JTu3A.93, May 2021.

I. Alamgir, M. H. Mobarok Shamim, M. El Amraoui, Y. Messaddeq and M. Rochette
“Supercontinuum Generation in Suspended Core As2S3 Tapered Fiber,” at the IEEE Photonics Conference, WE2.3, September 2020.

M. Rochette
“Chalcogenide Optical Fiber Components,” invited presentation at the European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM), TOM 9-Tapered optical fibers, from fundamentals to applications, 08001, September 2020.

M. Rochette
“Nonlinear Processing with Chalcogenide Fibers,” invited presentation at the International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, CN-3409903, July 2020.

M. Rochette
“Chalcogenide Fiber Based Components,” invited presentation at the Advanced Photonics Congress, CN-3409903, July 2020.

H. M. Shamim, I. Alamgir and M. Rochette
“Efficient Supercontinuum Generation in As2S3 Tapered Fiber Pumped by Soliton-Self Frequency Shifted Source,” at the Advanced Photonics Congress, CN-3416013, July 2020. 

I. Alamgir, M. Rezaei and M. Rochette

“Optical Parametric Oscillator based on All-Chalcogenide Fiber Components,” at the Advanced Photonics Congress, CN-3415575, July 2020.

K. Zhang and M. Rochette
“Tunable mode-locked fiber laser using nonlinear multimode interference in chalcogenide fiber,” at the Advanced Photonics Congress, CN-3415894, July 2020.

R. Kormokar and M. Rochette
“Analytic Description of Raman-Induced Frequency Shift of a Soliton,” at the Photonics North Conference, NL-4-26-3, May 2020.

M. Rezaei, H. M. Shamim and M. Rochette
“Nonlinear Chalcogenide Optical Fiber Coupler,” at the Photonics North Conference, NL-3-26-3, May 2020.

A. Anjum, K. Zhang, M. El Amraoui, Y. Messaddeq and M. Rochette
“Chalcogenide Fiber Based Saturable Absorber Using Multimode Interference,” at the Photonics North Conference, NL-3-26-2, May 2020.

H. M. Shamim, I. Alamgir and M. Rochette
“All-Fiber Wavelength Conversion From Low Power Pumping,” at the Photonics North Conference, NL-3-26-1, May 2020.

I. Alamgir, F. St-Hilaire and M. Rochette
“Nonlinear Optical Wavelength Conversion System from the C-Band to the Mid?Infrared,” at the CLEO Conference, JTu2F.25, San Jose, California, May 2020.

K. Zhang and M. Rochette
“Thulium-doped fiber laser mode-locked from nonlinear multimode interference in chalcogenide fiber,” at the CLEO Conference, STh4F.6, San Jose, California, May 2020. 

S.Venck, F. St-Hilaire, L. Brilland, A. N. Ghosh, R. Chahal, C. Caillaud, M. Meneghetti, J. Troles, F. Joulain, S. Cozic, S. Poulain, G. Huss, M. Rochette, J. Dudley, and T. Sylvestre
"2-10 μm mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in cascaded optical fibers: experiment and modelling", Proc. SPIE 11264, Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials and Devices XIX, 1126409, San Francisco, California, March 2020.

W. Lin and M. Rochette
“Modeling of intermodal couplings in large-mode area Yb-doped double cladding fibers applied in continuous-wave high power fiber lasers,” at the Photonics West Conference, Proc. SPIE 11264, Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials and Devices XIX, 1126409, San Francisco, California, March 2020.

M. Rochette

M. Rochette, “Optical devices based on chalcogenide fibers,” invited presentation at the Workshop on Specialty Optical Fibers and Their Applications (WSOF), Proc. SPIE Vol. 11206, Charleston, South Carolina, Nov. 2019.

K. Zhang, I. Alamgir, Y. A. Peter, and M. Rochette
“Multimode interference tunable filter in chalcogenide fiber,” at the IEEE Photonics Conference, MF4.2, San Antonio, Texas, Sept. 2019.

M. Rochette
“Chalcogenide Glass Fiber Components for the Fabrication of Mid-Infrared Optical Sources,” invited presentation at the CLEO Europe Conference, CJ-5.1, Munich, Germany, June 2019.

I. Alamgir, N. Abdukerim and M. Rochette
“In Situ Fabrication of Far-Detuned Mid-Infrared Optical Fiber Wavelength Converters,” at the CLEO Europe Conference, CD-P.37, Munich, Germany, June 2019.

M. Rezaei and M. Rochette
“Polarization Dependance Engineering of Chalcogenide Optical Fiber Couplers,” at the CLEO Europe Conference, CJ-5.5, Munich, Germany, June 2019.

M. Rochette

“An introduction to supercontinuum generation,” short course given at the 1st North American Summer School on Photonic Materials, Quebec City, June 2019.

P. Moslemi, M. Rochette, L. Chen
“Generating Multiple Chirped Microwave Waveforms Using an Integrated Arrayed Waveguide Sagnac Interferometer,” at the CLEO Pacific Rim, F1C.5, Hong Kong, China, July 2018.

N. Abdukerim, I. Alamgir and M. Rochette
“Frequency-Resolved Optical Gating Pulse Characterization with Chalcogenide Microwires,” at the Advanced Photonics Congress, NpM4I, Zurich, Switzerland, July 2018.

A. Fuerbach, D. Hudson, S. Jackson, S. Antipov, R. Woodward, L. Li, I. Alamgir, M. El Amraoui, Y. Messaddeq, and M. Rochette
“Mid-IR Supercontinuum Generation,” at the Advanced Photonics Congress, SoTh3H, Zurich, Switzerland, July 2018.

M. Rezaei and M. Rochette
“Single-mode optical fiber couplers compatible with the mid-infrared,” at the 21st International Symposium on Non-Oxide and New Optical Glasses (ISNOG), P-36, Québec city, Québec, June 2018.

I. Alamgir, N. Abdukerim, and M. Rochette
“In Situ Fabrication of Far-Detuned Wavelength Converters,” at the 21st International Symposium on Non-Oxide and New Optical Glasses (ISNOG), P-34, Québec city, Québec, June 2018.

M. Rochette
“Chalcogenide-based devices for mid-infrared waveguide photonics,” invited presentation at the 21st International Symposium on Non-Oxide and New Optical Glasses (ISNOG), We3B-7, Québec city, Québec, June 2018.

W. Lin and M. Rochette
“Raman suppression using chirp-moire fiber Bragg grating in high-power fiber lasers,” at Photonics North, W-51, Montréal, Québec, June 2018.

W. Firdaus and M. Rochette
“Noise reduction performance of nonlinear amplitude discriminator schemes,” at Photonics North, Tu-2.30, Montréal, Québec, June 2018.

M. Rochette
“Chalcogenide-based devices for mid-infrared waveguide photonics,” invited presentation at the IEEE/OSA Conference for Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), STh3F.3, San Jose, California, May 2018.

M. I. Kayes, N. Abdukerim, A. Rekik and M. Rochette
“Dual Comb Spectroscopy with Free-Running Bidirectional Mode-Locked Laser at 1.9 μm,” at the IEEE/OSA Conference for Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), SW4L.6, San Jose, California, May 2018.

J. C. Beugnot, T. Sylvestre, J. C. Tchahame, M. Rochette, R. Ahmad, A. Godet, N. Abdoulaye, C. Jeanin
“Temperature and strain dependence of Brillouin scattering in chalcogenide optical microwires,” at the 5th Workshop on Specialty Otical Fibers and their Applications, Limassol, Cyprus, October 2017.

M. I. Kayes and M. Rochette
“Fourier Transform Spectroscopy via a Single Electro-Optic Frequency Comb,” at the IEEE Photonics Conference, WH3.5, Orlando, Florida, October 2017.

N. Abdukerim, L. Li, M. El Amraoui, Y. Messaddeq, and M. Rochette
“All-fiber Chalcogenide Raman Laser at 2 µm,” at the IEEE Photonics Conference, MH3.6, Orlando, Florida, October 2017.

L. Li, N. Abdukerim, and M. Rochette
“Widely tunable mid-infrared wavelength converters based on chalcogenide microwires,” at the IEEE Photonics Conference, MH4.4, Orlando, Florida, October 2017.

P. Moslemi, L. R. Chen, and M. Rochette
“Photonic generation of simultaneous multiple chirped microwave waveforms,” at the IEEE Photonics Conference, TuA1.3, Orlando, Florida, October 2017.

C. Jia, J. Qiao, N. Abdukerim, M. Rochette, and L. R. Chen
“Multi-wavelength Brillouin Tm3+-doped fiber laser at 1873 nm using a linear cavity,” at the IEEE Photonics Conference, TuD2.2, Orlando, Florida, October 2017.

L. Li, N. Abdukerim, and M. Rochette
“Mid-infrared all-fiber widely tunable wavelength converters based on As2Se3-CYTOP microwires,” at the Integrated photonics research, silicon, and nano-photonics, ITh1A.3, New Orleans, Louisiana, July 2017.

D. D. Hudson, S. Antipov, L. Li, I. Alamgir, M. El Amraoui, Y. Messaddeq, M. Rochette, S. D. Jackson, and A. Fuerbach
“Octave-spanning supercontinuum in the mid-IR with a 3 μm ultrafast fiber laser,” at the Nonlinear Optics: Materials, Fundamentals and Applications, NTu3A.3, Waikoloa, Hawaii, July 2017.

T. Sylvestre, T. Godin, J. Dudley, R. Ahmad, M. Rochette
“Mid-infrared Wavelength Conversion in Chalcogenide Optical Microfibers,” tutorial at the Frontiers in Optics, FTh4A.3, Rochester, New York, October 2016.

C. Jia, B. J. Shastri, N. Abdukerim, M. Rochette, P. Prucnal, L. R. Chen, and M. Saad
“Passively synchronized Q-switched and simultaneous mode-locked dual-band Tm3+:ZBLAN fiber laser at 1.48- and 1.85- μm using common graphene saturable absorber,” at the OSA Specialty Optical Fibers, SoTu1G.4, Vancouver, British Columbia, July 2016.

M. Rochette
“A chalcogenide platform for mid-infrared optical sources,” invited presentation at The 7th International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications (ICOOPMA), We-C2-I2, Montréal, Québec, June 2016.

N. Abdukerim, L. Li and M. Rochette
“Chalcogenide-Based Optical Parametric Oscillator,” at the IEEE/OSA Conference for Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), STh1O.4, San Jose, California, June 2016.

L. Li, N. Abdukerim and M. Rochette
“Fabrication and Characterization of an As2Se3 Optical Microwire Cladded with Perfluorinated CYTOP,” at the IEEE/OSA Conference for Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), SW4R.4, San Jose, California, June 2016.

I. Kayes and M. Rochette
“Low noise frequency comb generator,” at Photonics North, Nonlinear-10-6, Québec city, Québec, May 2016.

F. Tavakoli, A. Rekik and M. Rochette
“Broadband and WDM infrared optical couplers based on As2Se3 fibers,” at Photonics North, Photonics in manufacturing-41-2, Québec city, Québec, May 2016.

C. Jia, B. J. Shastri, M. Rochette, and L. R. Chen
“Graphene-based passively Q-switched Tm3+:ZBLAN fiber laser at 1480 nm,” at the IEEE Photonics Conference 2015 (IPC), TuI2.3, Reston, Virginia, October 2015.

D. M. Chow, J. C. Tchahame, A. Denisov, J.-C. Beugnot, T. Sylvestre, L. Li, R. Ahmad, M. Rochette, K. H. Tow, M. A. Soto, L. Thevenaz
“Mapping the Uniformity of Optical Microwires Using Phase-Correlation Brillouin Distributed Measurements,” at Frontiers of Optics (FIO), San Jose, California, October 2015.

E. Meyer-Scott, A. Dot, R. Ahmad, L. Li, M. Rochette and T. Jennewein
“Can four-wave mixing be pumped by a single photon?,” at Single Photon Workshop (SPW2015), Th47, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2015.

A. Al-kadry, M. El-Amraoui, Y. Messaddeq, and M. Rochette
“Passive mode-locked and switchable multiwavelength laser based on As2S3-PMMA microwires,” at the Conference for Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) Europe-EQEC 2015, CJ-P.34, Munich, Germany, June 2015.

J. C. Beugnot , R. Ahmad, M. Rochette, J. C. Tchahame, K. P. Huy, V. Laude, H. Maillotte, and T. Sylvestre
"Observation of acoustic avoided crossing in an optical fiber taper," at the Conference for Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) Europe-EQEC 2015, CD-1.3, Munich, Germany, June 2015.

M. Rochette
"Compact nonlinear media for fiber lasers and broadband sources," invited presentation at Photonics North, Materials-11-41-2, Ottawa, Ontario, June 2015.

A. Al Kadry, M. El Amraoui, Y. Messaddeq, and M. Rochette
"Low-energy-threshold mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in as2se3 microwires," at Photonics North, Materials-10-31-5, Ottawa, Ontario, June 2015.

A. Al Kadry, L. Li, T. North, M. El Amraoui, Y. Messaddeq, and M. Rochette
"Broadband supercontinuum generation in all-normal dispersion chalcogenide microwires," at Photonics North, Materials-10-31-4, Ottawa, Ontario, June 2015.

C. Berge, A. Al Kadry, and M. Rochette
"Comparison of 2.7 micron fluorescent spectra of er-zblan with 980 nm and 790 nm pumping," at Photonics North, Nonlinear-4-29-6, Ottawa, Ontario, June 2015.

M. I. Kayes and M. Rochette
"Optical Frequency Comb Generation via Cascaded Brillouin Scattering in a Nonlinear Media," at Photonics North, Nonlinear-4-29-6, Ottawa, Ontario, June 2015.

L. Li, A. Al Kadry, and M. Rochette
"Design, fabrication and characterization of polymer-coated As2Se3 microwires," at Photonics North, Materials-10-31-2, Ottawa, Ontario, June 2015.

N. Abdukerim, L. Li, and M. Rochette
"Mid-infrared raman fiber laser in chalcogenide microwire," at Photonics North, Nonlinear-4-29-6, Ottawa, Ontario, June 2015.

E. Meyer-Scott, A. Dot, R. Ahmad, L. Li, T. Jennewein, and M. Rochette
"Producing photon pairs with ultralow pump powers," at Photonics North, Nonlinear-10-14-1, Ottawa, Ontario, June 2015.

T. North, A. Al Kadry, and M. Rochette
“Opération des sources régénératives basées sur l’auto-modulation de phase et l’auto-décalage fréquentiel de solitons,” at the Journées Nationales d’Optique Guidées (JNOG), Nice, France, October (2014).

F. Vanier, Y.A. Peter and M. Rochette
“2 μm cascaded Raman scattering emission from as2s3 high-Q microspheres,” at the International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Mop2.4, Glasgow, Scotland, August (2014).

M. Rochette
“Progresses towards using the optical gain of highly nonlinear waveguides,” Invited presentation at the IEEE Summer topical meeting, TuD2.2, Montréal, Québec, July (2014).

J.C. Beugnot, T. Sylvestre, J.C. Tchahame, H. Maillotte, V. Laude, R. Ahmad, and M. Rochette
“Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Polymer-Coated Chalcogenide Microfibers,” at the IEEE Summer topical meeting, TuD2.3, Montréal, Québec, July (2014).

T. Godin, T. Sylvestre, J. M. Dudley, R. Ahmad, and M. Rochette
“Mid-IR Frequency Conversion and Supercontinuum Generation in Polymer-Coated Chalcogenide Microfibers,” at the IEEE Summer topical meeting, MP8, Montréal, Québec, July (2014).

F. Vanier and M. Rochette
“High-Order Raman Scattering Emission in High-Q Factor As2S3 Microspheres,” at the IEEE Summer topical meeting, MC1.3, Montréal, Québec, July (2014).

T. North, A. M. Al-kadry, and M. Rochette
“Operation of regenerative sources based on alternating SPM and SSFS,” at the IEEE/OSA Conference for Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), SM4N.2, San Jose, California, June (2014).

T. North and M. Rochette
“Efficient regenerative self-pulsating sources,” at the IEEE/OSA Conference for Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), JTh2A.23, San Jose, California, June (2014).

T. Godin, Y. Combes, R. Ahmad, M. Rochette, T. Sylvestre, and J. M. Dudley
“Mid-IR parametric frequency generation in hybrid As2Se3 microwires using normal dispersion modulation instability,” at the IEEE/OSA Conference for Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), SW3I.1, San Jose, California, June (2014).

R. Ahmad and M. Rochette
“All chalcogenide Raman-parametric laser, wavelength converter and broadband source in a single microwire,” at the IEEE/OSA Conference for Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), STh1l.7, San Jose, California, June (2014).

T. Godin, Y. Combes, R. Ahmad, M. Rochette, T. Sylvestre, and J. M. Dudley
“Normal dispersion modulation instability in an As2Se3 chalcogenide hybrid microwire,” SPIE Photonics Europe 2014, 9236-24, Brussels, Belgium, April 2014.

J.-C. Beugnot, R. Ahmad, M. Rochette, V. Laude, H. Maillotte, and T. Sylvestre
“Tunable stimulated Brillouin scattering in hybrid polymer-chalcogenide tapered fibers,” SPIE Photonics Europe 2014, 9236-23, Brussels, Belgium, April 2014.

J. C. Beugnot, R. Ahmad, M. Rochette, V. Laude, H. Maillotte, and T. Sylvestre
“Stimulated Brillouin scattering in chalcogenide-PMMA hybrid microwires,” 3rd workshop on Specialty Optical Fibers and their applications (SOF), F2.13, Sigtuna, Stockholm, August (2013).

J. C. Beugnot, R. Ahmad, M. Rochette, V. Laude, H. Maillotte, and T. Sylvestre
“Étude de la diffusion brillouin dans les microfibres optiques en verre de chalcogenure,” Journées Nationles d’Optique Guidées (JNOG), SP318, Paris, France, July (2013).

A. M. Al-kadry, C. Baker, M. El Amraoui, Y. Messaddeq, and M. Rochette
“Broadband supercontinuum in As2Se3 wires by suppression of two-photon absorption,” at the IEEE/OSA Conference for Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), CTu2E.6, San Jose, California, June (2013).

R. Ahmad and M. Rochette
“Chalcogenide microwires based Raman lasers,” at the IEEE/OSA Conference for Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), CF1E.6, San Jose, California, June (2013).

F. Vanier, M. Rochette, and Y.-A. Peter
“Raman scattering emission in high Q-factor As2S3 microspheres,” at the IEEE/OSA Conference for Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), CM1L.8, San Jose, California, June (2013).

T. North and M. Rochette
“Dual wavelength noiselike pulse generation via polarization rotation and stimulated Raman scattering in an erbium-doped fiber ring laser,” at Photonics NorthOttawa, Ontario, May (2013).

M. Gorjan and M. Rochette
“Theoretical study of continuous-wave lasing in Cr:ZnSe:glass composite waveguides,” at the IEEE Photonics Conference 2012 (IPC), ThBB6, Burlingame, California, Sept. (2012).

A. Salehiomran, R. Modirnia, B. Boulet, and M. Rochette
“Optical parametric oscillator longitudinal modes suppression based on smith predictor control scheme,” at the IEEE Photonics Conference 2012 (IPC), WEB4, Burlingame, California, Sept. (2012).

F. Vanier, P. Bianucci, N. Godbout, M. Rochette, and Y.-A. Peter
“As2S3 microspheres with near absorption-limited quality factor,” at the IEEE Photonics Society Int’l Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN), TuB2, Banff, Alberta, Aug. (2012).

M. Rochette
“Demonstration of chalcogenide optical parametric oscillator,” invited presentation at the Journées Nationles d’Optique Guidées (JNOG), NW4D.3, Lyon, France, July (2012).

R. Ahmad, C. Baker, and M. Rochette
“Demonstration of chalcogenide optical parametric oscillator,” postdeadline presentation at the Nonlinear Photonics (NP), NW4D.3, Colorado Springs, Colorado, June (2012).

A. Velazquez-Benitez, R. Ahmad, J. Hernandez-Cordero, and M. Rochette
“Photoinduced birefringence in an azopolymer-coated microwire,” at Photonics North, Proc. SPIE vol. 8007 80070E, Montréal, Québec, May (2012).

M. Rochette
“Highly nonlinear As2Se3 microwires and their applications,” invited presentation at Photonics North, Proc. SPIE vol. 8007 80070E, Montréal, Québec, May (2012).

A. Velazquez-Benitez, R. Ahmad, J. Hernandez-Cordero, and M. Rochette
“Controlled generation of free-carriers to induce broadband attenuation in As2Se3 microwires,” at Photonics North, Proc. SPIE vol. 8007 80070E, Montréal, Québec, May (2012).

T. North and M. Rochette
“Subpicosecond As2Se3 fiber ring laser,” at the IEEE Photonics  Conference 2011 (IPC), WE2, Arlington, Virgina, Oct. (2011).

M. Rochette and C. Baker
“Highly nonlinear hybrid AsSe-PMMA microtapers and applications,” invited presentation at the 2nd Workshop on Specialty Fibers and their applications (WSOF), Proc. SPIE vol. 7839 78390F-3, Oaxaca, Mexico, Oct. (2010).

A. Salehiomran and M. Rochette
“A Systematic Approach to Generation of Arbitrary Transfer Function Based on Waveguide Couplers,” at the IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), 815-816, Arlington, Virgina, Oct. (2011).

A. Al Kadry and M. Rochette
“Widely Tunable Soliton Frequency Shifting for Mid-Infrared Applications,” at the IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), 59-60, Arlington, Virgina, Oct. (2011).

A. Al Kadry and M. Rochette
“Optimization of Ultrashort Optical Soliton self-frequency shifting in Mid-Infrared Radiation,” at the Workshop on Fibre and Optical Passive Components (WFOPC), paper 6089667, 1-4, Montréal, Canada, July (2011).

J. Qiu, Z. Yin, K. Sun, L.R. Chen, M. Rochette, and J. Wu
“Wavelength Tolerance of an all-optical multi-logic gate based on XPM in a HNLF,” at the OptoElectronic and Communications Conference (OECC), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 573-574, July (2011).

R. Ahmad and M. Rochette
“Bragg grating in sub-wavelength chalcogenide wires,” at the OSA Specialty optical fibers (SOF), SOTuB4, Toronto, Canada, June (2011).

R. Ahmad and M. Rochette
“Photosensitivity at 1550 nm and Bragg grating inscription in As2Se3 microwires for sensing applications,” postdeadline presentation at the OSA Specialty optical fibers (SOF), SOWE1, Toronto, Canada, June (2011).

A. Salehiomran, S.-R. Modirnia, B. Boulet, and M. Rochette
“Single-longitudinal-Mode Fiber-Optical Parametric Oscillator Based on Modified Smith Predictor Control Scheme,” at Photonics North, Proc. SPIE vol. 8007 80070E, Ottawa, Canada, May (2011).

A. Al Kadry and M. Rochette
“Mid infrared sources based on the soliton self-frequency shift,” at Photonics North, Proc. SPIE Vol.8007 80070D, Ottawa, Canada, May (2011).

M. Rochette and C. Baker
“Highly nonlinear hybrid AsSe-PMMA microtapers and applications,” invited presentation at the 2nd Workshop on Specialty Fibers and their applications (WSOF), Proc. SPIE vol. 7839 78390F-3, Oaxaca, Mexico, Oct. (2010).

J. Qiu, L.R. Chen, M. Rochette, and J. Wu
“Study of the Influence of Polarization-Dependent Gain on Nonlinear Polarization Rotation in Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers,” at the OptoElectronic and Communications Conference (OECC), Sapporo, Japan, July (2010).

R. Ahmad, M. Rochette, S. Chatigny
“Spectrally flat and high-power Er-Yb amplifier for telecommunications applications,” at IEEE/OSA Conference for Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), CWI2, San Jose, California, July (2010).

C. Baker and M. Rochette
“Enhanced Waveguide Nonlinearity and Mechanical Robustness in Hybrid As2Se3-PMMA Microtapers,” at IEEE/OSA Conference for Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), CMQ3, San Jose, California, July (2010).

A. Pasquazi, R. Ahmad, M. Rochette, M. Lamont, R. Morandotti, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu and D. J. Moss
“All optical wavelength conversion in an integrated ring resonator,” at IEEE/OSA Conference for Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), CThN2, San Jose, California, July (2010).

A. Fuerbach, J. Gray, S. Gross, M. Rochette and M. Withford
“Fabrication of Type I Waveguides in Highly Nonlinear SiO2–PbO Glasses Using fs Laser Pulses at MHz Repetition Rates,” at OSA Nonlinear Photonics (NP), NThB2, Karlsruhe, Germany, June (2010).

R. Bouskila and M. Rochette
“Three-Wavelength Self-Pulsating Fiber Source,” at meeting of the Canadian Institute for Photonics Innovations, Ontario, Canada, May (2010).

C. Baker and M. Rochette
“Microtapers and nonlinear couplers based on hybrid chalcogenide/polysulfone structures,” at meeting of the Canadian Institute for Photonics Innovations, New optical materials in nanophotonics, Proc. SPIE vol. 7386 738614 (2010) Ontario, Canada, May (2010).

M. Rochette
“Fabrication de microfils hybrides à haute non-linéarité et autres dispositifs non-linéaires,” invited presentation at Colloque Optique guidée et photonique IV du 64e congrès de l'ACFAS, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada, May (2010).

C. Baker, M. Rochette
“Nonlinear Couplers Based on Hybrid Chalcogenide/Polymer Structures,” at the Canadian Institute for Photonics Innovations (CIPI)-Annual general meeting, May (2009).

T. Cai, L. R. Chen, M. Rochette
“Tunable 40 GHz Mode-Locked Semiconductor Fiber Laser Using a Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror,” at Photonics Society (PS), ThV1, Belek-Antalya, Turkey, Oct. (2009).

R. Ahmad, M. Rochette, S. Chatigny
“Spectrally flat and high-power Er-Yb amplifier for telecommunications applications,” at Photonics Society (PS), ThU3, Belek-Antalya, Turkey, Oct. (2009).

R. Ahmad, C. Baker, M. Rochette
“All-optical PMD monitor for optical signals at 40 Gb/s and beyond,” at Photonics Society (PS), TuFF3, Belek-Antalya, Turkey, Oct. (2009).

K. Sun, J. Qiu, M. Rochette, and L. R. Chen
“All-optical logic gates (XOR, AND, and OR) based on cross phase modulation in a highly nonlinear fiber,” at 35th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Vienna, Austria, Sept. (2009).

T. Cai, R. Adams, L. R. Chen, and M. Rochette
“Characteristics of a Semiconductor Fiber Laser Mode-Locked Using a Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror,” at Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC), paper 215, Hong Kong, July (2009).

C. Baker and M. Rochette
“Switching in Nonlinear Chalcogenide Directional Couplers,” at Photonics North, paper NOM-NANO-24-3-3, Québec city, Québec, May (2009).

C. Baker and M. Rochette
“Nonlinear Couplers Based on Hybrid Chalcogenide/Polymer Structures,” at meeting of the Canadian Institute for Photonics Innovations, Québec city, Québec, May (2009).

K. Sun, M. Rochette, and L. R. Chen
“Characterization of Eigenpulses in a Self-Pulsating Regenerative Fiber Cavity,” at the Laser & Electro-Optics Society conference (LEOS), paper TuE 5, Newport Beach, California, Nov. (2008).

J. Hernandez-Cordero, L. R. Chen, and M. Rochette
“Multi-Channel All-Optical Signal Processing using a Single Multi-Channel All-Optical Loop Modulator,” at the Laser & Electro-Optics Society conference (LEOS), paper TuCC 1, Newport Beach, California, Nov. (2008).

J. Hernandez-Cordero, L. R. Chen, and M. Rochette
“Highly Nonlinear Fibers in All-Optical Modulators,” at 1st Workshop on Specialty Optical Fibers and their Applications (WSOF), San Pedro, Brazil, Aug. (2008).

M. Rochette, K. Sun, J. Hernandez-Cordero, and L. R. Chen
“Multiwavelength and Tunable Regenerative Laser Resonator with Passive Self-Pulsating Action,” at OptoElectronics and Communications Conference/Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (OECC/ACOFT), Sydney, Australia, July (2008).

J. Hernandez-Cordero, L. R. Chen, and M. Rochette
“All-Optical Clock Recovery in a Semiconductor Fiber Laser and a Nonlinear Optical Loop Modulator with Wavelength-Switching Capability,” at OptoElectronics and Communications Conference/Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (OECC/ACOFT), Sydney, Australia, July (2008).

M. Rochette, K. Sun, J. Hernandez-Cordero, and L. R. Chen
“Multiwavelength self-pulsating fibre laser based on cascaded SPM spectral broadening and filtering,” Proceedings SPIE, paper 70990N, SPIE 7099 (2008) from invited presentation at Photonics North, paper FLD-2-1-1, Montréal, Canada, June (2008).

J. Hernandez-Cordero, L. R. Chen, and M. Rochette
“Tunable Mode-Locked Semiconductor Fiber Laser Using a Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror,” at IEEE/OSA Conference for Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), paper JTuA89, San Jose, CA, May (2008).

Contribution à des applications pratiques

M. Rochette and C. Baker
“Method of manufacturing optical fibers, tapered optical fibers and devices thereof,” utility application CA2,771,604 filed March 7th 2012. [ Site web ]    

M. Rochette and C. Baker
“Method of manufacturing optical fibers, tapered optical fibers and devices thereof,” utility application US13/412,986 filed March 6th 2012. [ Site web ]    

P. Galarneau and M. Rochette
“Optical time-delayed wavelength converter,” utility applications US13/188,881, filed July 22, 2011, issued Sept. 3 2013 [ Site web ]    

M. Rochette and C. Baker
“Highly nonlinear optical waveguide structure with enhanced nonlinearity and mechanical robustness,” US utility application US12/787,219 filed May 25th 2010. [ Site web ]